Electrifying and Unforgettable
“Kathy Norwood is an excellent instructor and trainer. Her trainings are rich
and textured and the time flies. I learned so much that was applicable immediately and I had fun. Each time I’ve attended a session, she’s also led a fishbowl coaching session. Watching Kathy coach a single person while the entire room watches the
coachee’s transformation is electrifying and unforgettable.”
Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk, ACC, Instructional Coach, NCSD
I’m taking a moment to write about my experience in Kathy Norwood’s Coach Certification Program taught through the International Academy of Professional Coaching. While I know that no two programs are alike, I literally cannot imagine that any coach training or coach certification program is like this one. Kathy Norwood is an outstanding mentor, teacher and coach. As a Master Certified Coach through ICF, Kathy has a special talent for combining evidenced-based coach training with
practical skills and knowledge. Her ability to engage with, and move, her clients and students through coursework, personal transformation, and coaching acumen is unparalleled.
The one thing that sets Kathy and this program apart from others, is the high attention to coherence training within the certification program. She has proven her ability to infuse her programs with coherence training which includes HeartMath® techniques and study. This perfect added feature within her certification allows coaches to learn the masterful techniques of self-regulation, internal coherence, and emotional agility, all of which are critical when working with clients.
My personal goal was to become a more present transformational coach, and partner with clients who are navigating radical shifts in their lives. Because of the practice, collaboration, and skilled mentoring throughout the program, I am 100% confident in my abilities as a transformation coach. Thank you, Kathy!
I simply can’t speak highly enough of this program. I entered the certification with high
expectations, and honestly, they were blown out of the water. If you, or someone you love has an opportunity to study with Kathy Norwood, you must take advantage of that opportunity. She is bringing life-changing training to the world.
Kay Anderson
A Wealth of Knowledge
“Kathy’s professional background and expertise brings a wealth of knowledge. Her skills both as a presenter and support provider sharing the latest research and best practices are truly powerful. Our site and district have benefited tremendously under her strong guidance.”
Christa Buckingham, Literacy Team Leader/ Upper Grade Teacher
Transforming Teaching Tactics
“Kathy Norwood… is responsible for transforming teaching and learning in all classrooms at Murwood School. Because of her respect for individual differences and her ability to build trusting relationships, Ms. Norwood has been able to transform the most reluctant teacher…. A comparison of student performance data over a period of years illustrates the positive impact Ms. Norwood has had…. Three years ago, 64% to 79% of our K-5 students were achieving at or above grade level in reading compared to last year’s 77% to 91%…. This is during a time when our English Language Learners have increased from 6% to 10%…. our special education referrals dropped from 6% to 3%…. (Kathy Norwood) has made a profound impact…. She has worked side-by-side with the District Curriculum Director and provided many good ideas to move the district into the 21st Century…. I highly recommended Ms. Norwood, without reservations, for a consultant/ support provider/professional development position. Her professionalism, eagerness and dedication to school reform are commendable. She is so unique she is irreplaceable.”
Anne Stevenson, Ph.D., Principal
A Master at Empowering Teachers
“Kathy (Norwood) is a master at empowering teachers to become leaders within their school community. Her warmth, enthusiasm and positive attitude enable even the most reluctant teacher to take that extra risk…. Our students’ reading and writing scores have soared in the two years we’ve worked with Kathy!”
Maureen Fornengo, Marci Longchamps, Lorna Milani, and Michelle Erkkila, Second-grade Teaching Staff
Extraordinary Knowledge
“Kathy Norwood combines an extraordinary knowledge of curriculum and best teaching strategies with a unique and clear understanding of group dynamics and motivation. Ms. Norwood strives for the collective participation of staff to create a professional culture where teachers develop a common understanding of instructional goals, methods, problems, and solutions.”
Michael De Sa, former Superintendent, Walnut Creek School District, Walnut Creek, California
Inspiration for Coaching
“Kathy’s capacity to inspire the teacher heart and soul is unmatched.”
Julie Ellis, Fifth-grade Teacher
“Improving Teacher Performance”
Kathy Norwood has provided relevant, current, and individualized training for the k-12 instructional coaches in our district during the last four years. As a new coach, I learned how to work with and challenge teachers in a supportive manner, understand the dynamics of collaborative teams and individuals to proactively make progress, and have grown professionally through readings and coaching sessions. As a seasoned coach I now work with teachers through a 6-week coaching cycle and her trainings continue to focus on the practical application of transformational coaching. Throughout each training, Kathy models coaching and encourages participants to practice the art of questioning. The success of continuous staff development in the form of instructional coaching can be seen through the growth of student achievement on our state mathematics test over the last four years. Kathy’s work with all the instructional coaches in our district emphasizes improving teacher performance to ensure student learning.
Sarah Schuhl, K-12 Math Instructional Coach, Educational Consultant
Total Staff Change
I received coach training from Kathy that explored deeper concepts behind systemic change, transactional change vs. transformational change, compliance vs. commitment, and reasons behind teacher resistance. After this training, I took the time to really set the context for upcoming work with my teachers. We explored these concepts together. Because of this, our session was so productive, and teachers made the choice to commit to the work we were producing. The slight internal shift I made from task-focused to preparing the context for teacher buy-in made all the difference. There was no resistance.
Rita Ramstad, High School Literacy Coach
Invaluable Assistance
I have benefited from having Kathy, both as a trainer and as a coach. Having Kathy as a coach who walks with you in the moment is INVALUABLE. It is the gift of space and clarification that we need. In tough situations when I wish she were here, I then realize I have learned to internalize the process of coaching for myself. As a coach, I have learned to stop stealing learning opportunities from others—I am providing them wait time and have learned to reframe questions to help them discover answers on their own. The power from that single moment empowers and propels them forward.
Melissa District Coach for Professional Learning Communities
“Confident and Ready to Tackle the Next Challenge”
Kathy’s coaching sessions have given me the ability to deepen my leadership skills as a new principal. Being an educational leader is a complex job and often times I found that when I was in a difficult situation Kathy could help me pinpoint my thoughts and assist me in developing an action plan. Besides being an incredible listener and thoughtful person, she has the innate ability to ask the kinds of questions that allow me to gain insight about myself as a leader. I always leave a coaching session with Kathy feeling grounded, confident and ready to tackle the next challenge.
-Andrea Sande, Principal
Insight and Guidance is Invaluable
“Kathy’s insight and guidance have been invaluable to me for the last two years. She observes without being intrusive. Her advice is delivered quickly and precisely, and her pointers have an immediate effect on my teaching. Her knowledge of techniques and pedagogy is amazing.”
Paula Shaw, 2nd Grade Teacher
Kathy Norwood
Kathy Norwood’s phenomenal ability to lead, teach, and coach educators to become change agents in their school learning communities made an indelible mark on Centennial School District’s coaching program. My own transformation from classroom teacher to district instructional leader would not have been possible without Kathy’s masterful coaching skills and abilities to increase leadership capacity in others. She is a significant figure in my professional life and I will always be grateful to call her a valued colleague and friend.
Jenny Lucas, District Instructional Coach, Centennial School District, Portland, Oregon
“Powerful and Effective Work”
“Our Title IA Instructional Coaches began their journey with Kathy Norwood 4 years ago in the North Clackamas School District. At that time, the Coaches had little or no training in coaching, and Kathy’s model provided them with a powerful and effective frame for their work. Our Coaches are using what they’ve learned from Kathy’s trainings to coach their teachers and each other. Using the coaching model has been the most transformative work that they’ve done to this point.”
– Molly Little, Associate Director of Instructional Services, North Clackamas School District
Real Results
“Kathy has worked with the coaches in Centennial School District for 13 years. She has been an invaluable source of information and support for the district, in general, and the coaches specifically. She has helped the district to: 1. develop a vision for what coaching can and should do for staff and students in our district; 2. better understand the roles/responsibilities of a coach; capacity across all buildings for effective, continued professional development. Our K-12 coaches (literacy, mathematics, ELL, special education, and district consultants) have grown tremendously as a result of their work with Kathy. She has taught them: 1. the importance of maintaining a strong focus on student learning; 2. how to develop reflective practitioners among our teaching staff; 3. how to gain confidence in their abilities to work with staff at all levels in their careers, including some staff who were initially reluctant to work with coaches. This year we are incorporating leadership coach training for our administrators. They will receive ongoing phone coaching from Kathy. I don’t know where our coaching program would be without Kathy. I do know that the fact that our coaches are well-respected and seen as a valuable asset to the district is largely due to her efforts.”
– Cheryl Williamson, Former Curriculum Director, Centennial School District
I consider Kathy’s mentoring/coaching program a gift to consultants and to the teachers we will impact in our workshops. I am of the firm opinion her programs will help produce paradigms shifts in education that are required for the 21st century learner.
From Rebecca McFarlan College Board Consultant
I just wanted to let you know that I am using all of the tools that I learned at your conference when talking with my teachers at it is working like magic! I am giving the problem back to them and allowing them to solve it with support. Thank you so much for helping to make me a better leader!!
– Amy Benson, Assistant Director of ECE Las Vegas, NV
Your compassion and knowledge are legendary.
Joan Flora, Director of Student Placements, University of Portland; formerly North Clackamas School District