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Professional Coach Training Informational Session (Dec 2022)

December 9, 2022 @ 7:00 am December 14, 2022 @ 5:00 pm

Informational Question & Answer Sessions (Choose From 5 Sessions, 1 Hour Each)

Friday 12/9 @ 7:00AM-8:00AM & 11:30AM-12:30PM PT

Monday 12/12 @ 10:00AM-11:00AM & 3:00PM-4:00PM PT

Tuesday 12/13 @ 6:00AM-7:00AM & 12:30PM-1:30PM PT

Wednesday 12/14 @ 9:00AM-10:00AM & 4:00PM-5:00PM PT

Informational Question & Answer Session
ZOOM Meeting

Hello Educational Leaders, Instructional Coaches, Teachers and ECE Professionals

We are ready to launch our professional coaching academy with a new cohort.

Informational Sessions Available at Different Times to Introduce a Coaching Pathway and Answer Questions

Geared toward the working adult

6-month certification program to prepare you in becoming a professional coach

To find out details, join us via ZOOM during one of the following time slots, and bring your questions or email Dr. Kathy Norwood directly using our contact form.

Email Dr. Kathy Norwood Your Questions

Our Mission at IAPC
Our mission is to bridge the profession of coaching with educational coaching to
engender a new generation of highly qualified leaders and coaches with greater ability
to inspire, envision, problem-solve, and communicate while building resilience in
themselves and others.

Our Vision at IAPC
We aim to cultivate professional coaches who learn to awaken the genius and passion
that transforms great educators into brilliant ones, with the goal of creating a more
holistic, equitable, and inspiring place to learn and work. 

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Dr. Kathy Norwood, Ed. D, MCC

Attend a One Hour Session!
All times are Pacific Time
Choose the time slot that accommodates your work schedule

2 Informationals daily for 4 days (International Academy of Professional Coaching)

Friday Dec 9

7:00AM – 8:00AM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89072513311

11:30AM-12:30PM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87440525581

Monday Dec 12

10:00AM – 11:00AM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82628292254

3:00AM – 4:00PM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81457212695

Tuesday Dec 13

6:00AM – 7:00AM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86984960983

12:30PM – 1:30PM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82089466417

Wednesday Dec 14

9:00AM – 10:00AM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86127812706

4:00PM – 5:00PM PT Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86984960983

Classes Start in January of 2023

Starts January 28-29 Orientation (2 Terms 12 weeks each/1 week break)

International Academy of Professional Coaching

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We Aim to Awaken the genius and passion that transforms great educators into brilliant ones. Our unique blend of tradition and innovation engenders the next generation of leaders and coaches with greater ability to inspire, envision, problem-solve, and communicate while building resilience in themselves and others.

Teacher and administrator training is no substitute for coach training. We believe that educational coaching is a distinct profession and, should be treated as such.

The profession of coaching has its own skill set that takes years of practice for one to become highly effective. Coaches who lack this foundation are more likely to guess, stumble, possibly burn bridges, and hope that it all works out. Today, more than ever before, educators face unique, high stakes challenges, and they need well-trained leaders and coaches who have the knowledge, experience, and temperament to help them navigate those challenges.

The Covid-19 pandemic has engendered collective trauma across our nation. We have endured unprecedented levels of fear, uncertainty, grief, anger, and helplessness. No one has been more overwhelmed by stress and trauma than our educators, who have had the daunting challenge of coping with the influence of the pandemic on their own families and friends, even as they created and operated a virtual learning system from scratch or provided ongoing early childhood services for front line workers.  

When we humans are overwhelmed from stress and trauma, we pull out the sensitivity from our emotional and physical bodies, leading to high levels of disembodiment. This massive amount of disembodiment creates fragmentation and separation from ourselves, from each other, and from the planet. The symptoms of collective trauma may include epidemics of anxietydepression, and substance addiction. (Amygdala Highjack) Leaders and coaches must be prepared to work with educators in radically new and creative ways.

Join us as we lay out a coach training path that can work for you. 

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We Envision the creation of a world-wide movement that paves the way for transformational leaders and coaches to become highly qualified for professional coach credentialing with the International Coach Federation. As catalysts of change, these leaders are visionaries who embrace foundational evidence-based approaches while also transcending convention to achieve individual and systemic transformation.


I was incredibly fortunate that Kathy Norwood was my coach and mentor during my coaching training. Kathy is a wise repository of coaching research and practice and she is kind and generous.  Throughout my training she was beside me, challenging me, cheering me on, and providing insights at just the best moments. She helped me find and cultivate my strengths and to coach to the unseen. Kathy is a fabulous coach and mentor.


I have benefited from having Kathy, both as a trainer and as a coach. Having Kathy as a coach who walks with you in the moment is INVALUABLE. It is the gift of space and clarification that we need. In tough situations when I wish she were here, I then realize I have learned to internalize the process of coaching for myself. As a coach, I have learned to stop stealing learning opportunities from others–I am providing them wait time and have learned to reframe questions to help them discover answers on their own. The power from that single moment empowers and propels them forward.


Kathy’s coaching sessions have given me the ability to deepen my leadership skills as a new principal. Being an educational leader is a complex job and oftentimes I found that when I was in a difficult situation Kathy could help me pinpoint my thoughts and assist me in developing an action plan. Besides being an incredible listener and thoughtful person, she has the innate ability to ask the kinds of questions that allow me to gain insight about myself as a leader. I always leave a coaching session with Kathy feeling grounded, confident, and ready to tackle the next challenge.


We must learn how to work with and guide adult learners toward new levels of competence, problem- solving capabilities, creativity, and higher levels of achievement, while honoring and respecting their humanity and capacity to find their own answers.  (Norwood, 2007)


Dr. Kathy Norwood

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