Learn to build your resilience, a strong sense of personal well-being, and optimal performance in the workplace.
Target Audience: Open to Educators: Birth-5, K-12 Leaders, Specialists, Coaches, Teachers, Professional Coaches
A high level of mental and emotional fortitude is required today due to the complexity and sense of urgency around our work. We are faced with making important decisions quickly, often without all the information we need. The choices we make have broad effects and at times we feel we are in over our heads. How do we build inner resilience to do the good work we have signed up to do? Resilience is the capacity to prepare for, recover from, and adapt to, in the face of stress, challenge or adversity. Gaining and maintaining coherence is all about the heart, mind, emotions, and body working in sync. Our ability to stay in an inner state of ease and flow through the day is determined by our ability to self-regulate our emotions, stop energy leaks, and renew our energy. Coherence is an optimal physiological state of functioning and the essential key to building our resilience capacity.
All participants will receive a technology device called the Inner Balance (connects to your cell phone). You will practice heart intelligence techniques with your technology in between sessions.
About The Technology
Zoom with Kathy Norwood: Link will be sent out prior to training via email addresses
All times are Pacific Time
Educators Monday & Thursday 5-7 PM PT
Module 1 Monday Oct 18 5-7 PM
Module 2 Thursday Oct 21 5-7 PM
Module 3 Monday Oct 25 5-7 PM
Module 4 Thursday Oct 28 5-7 PM
Module 5 Monday Nov 1 5-7 PM
Module 6 Thursday Nov 4 5-7 PM