Rise Up! Speaker & Presenter Info
International Educator Symposium 2021
On this page you will find additional details regarding the run of show, event details, additional workshop information and keynote speakers. Check back often for updates.
For Full Flyer With Modules Click Here
Featured Keynote Speakers
Day 1

Dr. Ida Oberman, Executive Director & Founder, Community School for Creative Education in Oakland, CA
Ida Oberman, PhD is founder and executive director of Community School for Creative Education, the first-ever urban public Waldorf School in the world. Dr. Oberman takes immense pride in being able to provide children and youth with a Waldorf education that engages the whole child—head, hands, and heart. She is undoubtedly an educational advocate for all people, regardless of gender, race, or religion. A leader of Oakland Community Organizations (OCO), Dr. Oberman is a creative fundraiser, and has formed a monumental intercultural network locally, state-wide, and internationally. Prior to founding Community School, she was Director of the California Best Practice Study at Springboard Schools in San Francisco, CA. While Director of this study, briefings on her findings took her to Capitol Hill in DC and to Sacramento’s Capitol. Before that she served as Associate Education Program Officer at the Hewlett Foundation in Menlo Park, CA. She taught high school in New York for 10 years.
Dutch born and German educated, she received her BA from Swarthmore and her PhD from Stanford. A graduate of the Waldorf School in Tuebingen, Germany, she earned her Waldorf teaching certificate from the Seminar fuer Waldorf Paedagogik in Stuttgart, Germany. Ida Oberman’s publications include “The Waldorf Movement in Education, From European Cradle to American Crucible, 1919 – 2008” (Edwin Mellen Press 2008) and “Teacher Learning: New Policies, New Practices,” co-edited with Stanford Professor Emerita Milbrey McLaughlin (Teachers College Press 1996).
Symposium Keynote Topic: Education for the Hands, Head, and Heart
Presented July 29th 9:10am – 10:45am PST

Dan Weisberg, Chief Executive Officer, TNTP
As TNTP’s Chief Executive Officer, Dan Weisberg oversees TNTP’s executive team and all aspects of the organization’s operations, strategy, and growth.
Prior to becoming CEO in June 2015, Dan served in a variety of senior leadership roles in which he oversaw TNTP’s support for school systems and states nationwide to recruit, develop, and retain effective teachers and principals. He also helped build TNTP into a leading voice on teacher quality, leading acclaimed studies like The Widget Effect. Most recently, Dan oversaw the development and launch of TNTP’s highest-impact study and most ambitious public engagement strategy with the 2018 release of The Opportunity Myth, TNTP’s report on student experience which has drawn over 100,000 unique visitors and resulted in over 400 briefings, over 4,000 downloads of tools, and over 40 national education leaders signing on to its commitments.
Before TNTP, Dan served as Chief Executive of Labor Policy and Implementation for the New York City Department of Education. Dan was also a Partner in the New York office of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, where he led the firm’s east coast labor and employment practice. He holds a J.D. from New York University Law School and a BA in Political Science from Columbia University.
Symposium Keynote Topic: The Time Is Now: Learning Acceleration and Racial Equity
Presented: July 29th 12:00pm – 1:00pm PST
Overview: “The Time is Now: Learning Acceleration and Racial Equity” Strategies for educators to help all students to catch up and get on track to meet their goals, while avoiding pitfalls that exacerbate racial inequities.
Takeaway: An understanding of the impact of traditional remediation strategies on underserved students and a commitment to provide all students with consistent access to grade-appropriate assignments and help to succeed with them.
Tool Provided in Treasure Chest Resource Center: COVID-19 School Response Toolkit
Published Articles
Day 2

Social Justice: Today’s New Leaders
Katrina S. Rogers, PhD, President of Fielding Graduate University
Katrina S. Rogers, PhD, has served the non-profit and educational sectors in many roles, including as coach, executive, teacher, and board member. She currently serves as President of Fielding Graduate University and professor in the Human and Organization Development program. She led the European campus for Thunderbird School of Global Management in Geneva, Switzerland for a decade, working with international organizations and corporations. In addition to many articles on the topics of coaching, organizational leadership, and sustainability, Rogers currently serves on the Boards of Prescott College, the Master’s in Sustainability Advisory Group for Northern Arizona University, and the Toda Institute for Global Policy & Peace Research. She holds doctorates in political science and history. She received a Presidential post-doctoral fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation and was a Fulbright scholar to Germany where she taught environmental politics and history. Dr. Rogers is also a practicing coach with an AAC credential from the International Coaching Federation.
Symposium Keynote Topic: Social Justice: Leading and Teaching in a New Era
Presentation Time: July 30th 8:30am – 9:00am PST
Overview: Learn about new ways of thinking about social justice and applying these ideas into the classroom, coaching, and leadership context. This keynote offers practical examples for guiding social justice conversations within your own professional context and includes the exploration of a dashboard tool to support advocating for and advancing in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Takeaway: Participants will gain a greater understanding of social justice considerations in teaching and leadership.
Tool Provided in Treasure Chest Resource Center: Diversity, equity, and inclusion dashboard tool

Anashay Wright, Founder and Chief Executive Disruptor, Disruptive Partners
Anashay is a life-long disruptor of inequitable systems. As a national award-winning educator, speaker, and educational consultant with over 20 years of experience, she has coached and developed leaders at every level.
Across the K-12 sector, she designed innovative programs and led teams at national education nonprofits and community-based organizations including TNTP, The Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes Foundation, The Black Teacher Collaborative, and Leading Educators.
She has also served as an adjunct professor, education advisor to elected officials, founding board & advisory member for organizations like Relay Graduate school and Compass Rose Academy (a BES charter school) in Texas & Georgia. She is also a certified Power & Influence executive coach and system-level strategist.
Anashay’s work has resulted in national recognition from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC founded by Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.), NPR, The 74million, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, Good Day Atlanta, and numerous media outlets. Anashay leads with the promise of every child and elevates the role of education’s true shareholders: students, parents & families as featured in this recent article from the Atlanta Journal & Constitution (AJC).
Anashay is passionate about supporting leaders who are committed to partnering with, aligning resources, and following the lead of members from historically ignored communities of color. Her experiences within the non-profit, political, and education spaces run deep and wide, which is why she has been called the “Robin Hood of her Community.” Anashay has consistently led with her deep love for and a profound belief in the collective power of community. She remains committed to partnering with courageous leaders who lead with the power, promise, and brilliance of African-American diaspora, Latinx, Indigenous, and ALL children from racially diverse communities.
To many, I’m known as Anashay “Teach Em” Wright a mother, wife, educator, leader and lover of humanity. However, my Black community holds a deep & sacred place within my soul.
I have ALWAYS believed in & led with the collective power of my Black community…
And every human being’s ability to access & activate the bold, radical, disruptive love that resides within us all.
This type of Disruptive love has fueled my passion for serving as a connector, unity builder, and healer of our society.
Disruptive love shatters the lies of scarcity, inferiority & superiority…
I. Am. Powerful…
You Are Powerful…
WE Are Powerful….It’s time to #RiseUp
Symposium Keynote Topic: Exposed and We Can’t Go Back! Disruptors and Accelerators of Change
Presented July 30th 9:10am – 10:45am PST
Overview: The pandemics of racism, social injustice, and disconnected efforts within our K-12 system shook our country to the core. Educators became frontline workers and medical facilities were at their breaking point. The UNITY in the word commUNITY took on a whole new meaning. The humanity and collective power of schools, students, families and community partnerships were elevated in unprecedented ways during COVID. Together, educators and families stepped up to the challenge and partnered to disrupt inequities in bold and courageous ways… we’ve been exposed & we can’t go back!
Takeaway: During this keynote, Anashay “Teach Em” Wright will inspire us to use our authentic power to challenge the status quo, unite, and collectively lead.
**Webinars will be taped. When two sessions are available, you will choose one to attend in person. You will then have access to the other session through a taped webinar.**
Published Articles

Dr. Kathy Norwood, Ed. D, PCC, Founder, Coaches Evolve
Dr. Norwood is a Pre-K-12 national educational consultant, trainer, professional coach and co-founder of Coaches Evolve. Dr. Norwood earned her doctorate from Fielding Graduate University in Educational Leadership and Change and she holds a Master of Education in Professional Development, with emphasis on English Learners (EL) and Administration. In addition, the HeartMath Institute has licensed Dr. Norwood as a HeartMath® Certified Trainer.

Dr. Mary Ann Burke, Ph. D, Ed. D, MFT, Co-Founder Coaches Evolve
As a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, she has worked with individuals and families struggling with addictions to drugs and alcohol, and child abuse. She counseled adolescents in court-ordered group home placement. She taught credentialing classes for foster care parents through the Antelope Valley Community College in Lancaster, California, and classes for aspiring substance abuse counselors at Pacific Oaks College in Los Angeles.
Dr. Norwood and Dr. Burke wrote two chapters on coaching for equity in the schools based on their collaborative dissertation from Fielding.
Chasing the Shadow: Coaching for Equity in Education
Beautiful Form Watcher: Coaching for Equity in Education
**The proceeds from the sale of the book go back to Fielding Graduate University whose education mission is founded on social and ecological justice, with focus on adult learners and underserved populations.

Burke Norwood
Burke Norwood is 13 years old and is beginning 8 th grade this fall. He has received the President’s Award for Educational Excellence, based on academic achievement, as well as teacher recommendations based on demonstrated qualities of high motivation, initiative, integrity, intellectual depth, leadership qualities and exceptional judgment. He served on Student Council for two years, where he participated in many community service projects, including regular news broadcasts to the school, and a Christmas visit to bring gifts to residents of a local nursing home. He also was selected for the National Youth Leadership Forum/Explore STEM at Occidental College in California, where he worked with a cohort of 11- to 15-year-old students to create and encode operational vehicles that could be used by colonists on Mars.
Burke loves to sing, dance, and play with his beagle. His friends know him as a loving, wise, and generous friend who is always ready to lend a friendly ear to those who need to talk. He loves spending time with his family. His current dream for the future is to become a graphic designer. He edited some of the video presentations for Kathy and Mary Ann for this Symposium.
Workshop Presenters
Day 1
Doc Miller, Senior Effectiveness Coach and Project Lead with TNTP
Doc Miller is an award-winning educator who has over a decade of experience as a teacher within an urban school district in Indianapolis. Prior to teaching, Doc gained experience engaging with diverse audiences as a radio and television host. Doc has been a Senior Effectiveness Coach and Project Lead with TNTP since 2014, where he works to develop and manage programs that serve teachers, leaders, and learning communities in more deeply engaging all students in meaningful and rigorous academic opportunities, specifically those students who are historically underserved. As a founding member of TNTP’s Facilitators for Equity Program, Doc strives to intentionally seek out diverse perspectives, work to understand how his own identity influences how he shows up in his work and attempts to be both an ally and co-conspirator in the critical work of dismantling the opportunity gap that exists for students of color.
Doc (he/him/his) identifies as a white, cis-gender, able-bodied, gay man, who was raised in a lower-income community in South Carolina by his single mother who worked hard to ensure he would be a first-generation college student. He earned a B.S. in Bio-medical Science, multiple graduate degrees in Education, and is an alumnus of The National SEED Project. Doc is also the co-host of The Bored of Ed podcast, which provides a platform for diverse voices from across the field of education to discuss ideas that can help transform a system that is inequitable by design.
Dr. Torrey Palmer, Project Director
Torrey is an Academics Director with TNTP, leading innovative work to support teachers and leaders in leveraging college- and career-ready standards to yield significant improvements in teaching and learning. Most recently Torrey has led early literacy initiatives in Clark County and Elko County, Nevada, which yielded changes in teacher practice and significant gains in student achievement. Torrey also supports TNTP’s curriculum work, including reviewing, materials selection, and developing and facilitating curriculum-specific professional learning of standards-aligned materials and instruction. Prior to joining TNTP, Torrey worked in Washoe County School District, where she was a classroom teacher and later co-founded the Core Task Project, a nationally recognized model for Common Core State Standards implementation. She is a Student Achievement Partners Fellow, a contributor to the Basal Alignment Project, and has presented nationally at conferences hosted by the International Reading Association (IRA), WestEd, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the Yale Education School of Management. Torrey recently completed her doctorate in Educational Specialties from the University of Nevada, Reno. Prior to her work in education, Torrey was a two-time silver medalist at the World Rowing Championships and competed in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia.
Workshop Topic: The Opportunity Myth and Accelerated Learning
Presenting: July 29th 1:10pm – 2:40pm PST (Day 1, Option 1)
Day 2

Carolyn McLeod, BA/BPHE, BEd, MEd
I am currently teaching high school at Cochrane High school (Biology and Psychology) and have taught junior high science, math, and outdoor education previously. I have a husband (who is a fire captain with the Calgary Fire Dept) and 2 “boys” (ages 23 – an environmental engineer; and 21 – a commercial pilot – who is currently upgrading to become a flight instructor) and live in Cochrane, Alberta.
I recently completed my MEd, specializing in child and adolescent mental health and school counselling. After continually coming across students who were clearly keeping up with the course material and new concepts yet drawing blanks and doing poorly on tests and exams, I wanted to investigate the detrimental effects that high, negative stress might have on test performance. After a reading a considerable amount of research in this field, I wanted to conduct my own study to investigate this relationship
This year, I continued my research by developing a grade 9 positive psych option class, incorporating features from previous psychology courses, as well as new targeted items developmentally appropriate for students transitioning between middle and high school. My current study (EdD) will involve a continuation of this work, incorporating SEL strategies to address school transitions (ie grade 8 to 9) as well as general anxiety and school stress. Going forward, I will be expanding my data collection to include elements from Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory AQAL model to guide my research (ie employing a phenomenological, hermeneutic, empirical, and systems approach).
Workshop Topic: Student Empowerment: Accessing Brilliant Brains/Heart Intelligence
Presenting: July 30th 1:10pm – 2:35pm PST (Day 1, Option 1)

Catherine Burdett, CPCC, PCC
Executive Coach. Master Training/Facilitator
Catherine has over 30 years in corporate and consulting roles. After the birth of her 2nd child, 19 years ago, she followed her heart and left her corporate career to focus on raising her family while building her business as a self-employed management consultant, facilitator, and executive coach. Since that time, she has become a trusted partner to individuals and organizational clients around the globe supporting their growth and development as individual contributors, team members and leaders. Her natural curiosity and passion to support and challenge others in pursuit of the lives they desire, reminds clients that everything is possible when they tap into the wisdom of their hearts and make choices to support health, happiness and well-being and performance.
She has been a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) since 2006 and is an active participant of several special interest groups including Emotional Intelligence, Team and Group Coaching, and Health and Wellness. She uses a variety of tools and techniques in her coaching practice including Appreciative Inquiry / Positive Psychology, the MHS suite of Emotional Intelligence assessment products and HeartMath’s Stress and Well-Being Assessment. She is a Certified HeartMath Master trainer, teaching and coaching the skills of emotional intelligence, self-regulation and personal / social coherence to her audiences.
Near and dear to her heart is the volunteer role she plays in the local high school community, sharing the tools/techniques of HeartMath, empowering students to access the inherent power of their brilliant brains and wise hearts for clarity, capability and confidence as they navigate the challenge, change and uncertainty of high school life.
About The Alignment Project
The Alignment Project supports individual resilience and organizational vitality. Client experiences over the past 20+ years reveal that people simply want to bring the best versions of themselves to work every day, to be connected, to know they matter, to contribute and achieve goals without sacrificing the balance of a whole life.
Stressful times, rapid change and uncertainty threaten us and we find ourselves with mounting stress levels throwing us into fight/flight/freeze state; the symptoms are often overlooked and camouflaged in a pool of unproductive behaviours including unnecessary conflict, lack of productivity, disengagement, poor communication, ineffective decision making, lack of trust, artificial harmony and lack of collaboration. The direct costs are high. The indirect costs are even higher. Simply put, how we are working isn’t working.
Our 5 Step “Transforming Stress to Success System” supports leaders and teams with the tools and techniques, skills and strategies to shift gears from the flight/fight/freeze state to a smarter state where intelligences of the heart and mind are accessed (EQ + IQ) and developed, giving rise to renewed energy, clarity, confidence, focus, adaptability, flexibility and alignment to personal and organizational values. This is the place where human connections are made; satisfying our basic need to belong. This is the place where we flourish and thrive. This is the place where happiness, wellbeing and optimal performance live.
Heart Centred. Business Minded.
What’s at the Heart of Your Business?
Workshop Topic: Student Empowerment: Accessing Brilliant Brains/Heart Intelligence
Presenting: July 30th 1:10pm – 2:35pm PST (Day 1, Option 1)
Panel 1
What’s Trending Now. Leaders Share From Their Corner of the World
Michelle Mercado Joe Hettler Arlene Sukran Carolyn McLeod
These four team up to discuss the latest trends and topics from around the entire United States and our neighbors and friends afar. Including commonalities and unique challenges and events pertaining to each region that might require additional attention as well as tools and resources they have been implemented to enhance education for all.
What will need to shift and change within us to meet these unique challenges?
Find out the answers at this powerful panel discussion. It always starts with us.
Michelle Mercado, VP, Southwest
Michelle Mercado oversees TNTP’s consulting work in Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, with a focus on helping educators, schools, and school systems expand access to opportunity.
Previously, as a Partner, Michelle led TNTP’s academic strategy, leader and teacher recruitment, and development and effectiveness work in Memphis, Philadelphia, and Camden. She also supported numerous TNTP teacher training programs, including the Memphis Teacher Talent Initiative, Memphis Teaching Fellows, Nashville Teaching Fellows, and the NYC Teaching Fellows.
Michelle also served as the Academic Director for Kibeta English Medium Primary School in Bukoba, Tanzania, where she managed teacher effectiveness initiatives, conducted analyses of student performance to drive school-wide changes in instruction, and was a classroom teacher for preschool through seventh grade in English, vocational skills, and computer science.
Michelle began her career as a New York City Teaching Fellow and taught sixth grade in the Bronx, NY. She holds a BA in Political Science from Western Illinois University and an MA in the Science of Teaching from Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education.
Joe Hettler, VP, Southeast
Joe Hettler oversees TNTP’s consulting work across the Southeast, including the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia, with a focus on helping educators, schools, and school systems expand student access to opportunity.
Previously, as Vice President of Strategic Growth, Joe developed and managed TNTP’s business development strategy, ensuring that TNTP builds the deep and diverse relationships that allow us to advance our mission. In addition to leading on business development, Joe also managed national client teams to deliver high-quality support to our partners. During his seven years as a Partner, Joe managed a variety of projects across the country. For example, Joe led TNTP’s Teacher Talent Initiative in Memphis, Tennessee, overseeing recruitment, selection, staffing, and central office systems work within the unified Shelby County Schools district from 2011 to 2015. During this time, he played a critical role in ensuring that the district adopted best practice staffing policies, improved internal Human Resource systems, and had effective teachers in the classroom on the first day of school. Joe also worked to solve teacher recruitment and staffing challenges in Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Hillsborough County, Florida, as well as with Indigenous communities through a partnership with the Bureau of Indian Education.
Prior to TNTP, Joe worked with Wintrust Financial and spent several years teaching third grade in Birmingham, Alabama. He holds a BA in marketing and an M.Ed. from the University of Notre Dame. He lives in Florida with his wife, Rachel, and dog, Moose.
Arlene Sukran, VP, Northeast
Arlene Sukran leads TNTP’s consulting work in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington D.C., with a focus on helping educators, schools, and school systems expand access to opportunity.
Previously, as a Partner, she supported contracts across the nation to improve instructional outcomes for students and to diversify the workforce. She managed teams in Florida focused on improving access to high-quality instructional materials in all subjects and the implementation of district-wide curriculum, including middle school mathematics implementation at Pasco County Schools. She has also supported districts to launch initiatives related to teacher development, school transformation efforts, and school leader development. Lastly, she’s supported districts launch their diversity, inclusion, and equity initiatives at the cabinet level. Previously as Director, she coached school leaders and launched an alternative teacher pipeline program to increase access to diverse teachers in the workforce and support teacher shortages—including launching Odessa Pathway to Teaching alongside Ector County ISD.
Prior to TNTP, she served in every role in a school: principal, mentor principal, assistant principal, department chair, and teacher. She also served as campus director (principal) at Uplift Infinity Preparatory, where her school earned six out of seven academic distinctions by Texas Education Agency, and her staff earned the highest staff satisfaction results in the network. She also taught teachers at the graduate level at Rosemont College and aspiring teachers at the collegiate level at Dallas Christian College. She has served as a diversity, equity, and inclusion facilitator in various contexts and is an avid public speaker.
Arlene graduated from Yale University with a B.A. and a double major in Sociology, and Ethnicity, Race, and Migration. She holds a M.S.Ed in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. She also participated in TNTP’s PhillyPLUS program. She is an active member of her community, including the Coca-Cola Scholars Program, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and Yale Alumni Schools Committee among others.
Carolyn McLeod, MEd, BEd, BA/BPHE – Teacher Cochrane HS, Alberta, Canada
I recently completed my MEd, specializing in child and adolescent mental health and school counselling. After continually coming across students who were clearly keeping up with the course material and new concepts yet drawing blanks and doing poorly on tests and exams, I wanted to investigate the detrimental effects that high, negative stress might have on test performance. After a reading a considerable amount of research in this field, I wanted to conduct my own study to investigate this relationship
This year, I continued my research by developing a grade 9 positive psych option class, incorporating features from previous psychology courses, as well as new targeted items developmentally appropriate for students transitioning between middle and high school. My current study (EdD) will involve a continuation of this work, incorporating SEL strategies to address school transitions (ie grade 8 to 9) as well as general anxiety and school stress. Going forward, I will be expanding my data collection to include elements from Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory AQAL model to guide my research (ie employing a phenomenological, hermeneutic, empirical, and systems approach).
Presented July 29th 8:20am – 9:00am PST
Panel 2
So You Wanna Be An Ally, Co-Conspirator, or Change Agent?
Dr. Telletha Valenski, Education Youth Advocate
Telletha Valenski is Kinyaa’áanii, born for Hashtł’ishnii. Her maternal grandfather is Tódich’ii’nii and her paternal grandfather is Ta’neeszahnii. She has worked since 1997 as a school health education technician to a specialist for Navajo Coordinated Approach for School Health at Northern Navajo Medical Center. She received her bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Sciences at Northern Arizona University in 1994 and continued her post-graduate studies at Harvard University, Northern Arizona University, and John Hopkins University in respiratory physiology to natural sciences education, and epidemiology. Self-published a book called, “I Met An Enabler” to empower women.
In recent years, she has become a youth advocate on the Navajo Nation, Xela, Guatemala, College of Albert Einstein, Mexico, Argentina, Northern Arizona University, and Kilgoris, Africa. Her passion is to continue empowering youth to excel in academics and to inspire them to give back to their communities. Finally, in January 2021, she completed her doctorate in education.
Anashay Wright, Founder and Chief Executive Disruptor, Disruptive Partners
Anashay is a life-long disruptor of inequitable systems. As a national award-winning educator, speaker, and educational consultant with over 20 years of experience, she has coached and developed leaders at every level.
Across the K-12 sector, she designed innovative programs and led teams at national education nonprofits and community-based organizations including TNTP, The Lisa “Left-Eye” Lopes Foundation, The Black Teacher Collaborative, and Leading Educators.
She has also served as an adjunct professor, education advisor to elected officials, founding board & advisory member for organizations like Relay Graduate school and Compass Rose Academy (a BES charter school) in Texas & Georgia. She is also a certified Power & Influence executive coach and system-level strategist.
Anashay’s work has resulted in national recognition from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC founded by Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.), NPR, The 74million, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, Good Day Atlanta, and numerous media outlets. Anashay leads with the promise of every child and elevates the role of education’s true shareholders: students, parents & families as featured in this recent article from the Atlanta Journal & Constitution (AJC).
Chance Wright, Owner Chance Wright Consulting
Chance Wright is a multi-talented student with an interest in the meteorology branch of atmospheric sciences and a trained percussionist with a passion for jazz, Chance is gifted in the art of public speaking. A motivator armed with the sense of mindfulness and possessing the resilience of a kindred spirit, he has received multiple requests to mentor, speak at various events and was a featured guest in the 2014 TNTP Blog, “Want to Improve Schools? This Fourth-Grader Has Ideas.” In 2016, he was recognized nationally by TNTP as a “TNTP FAVORITE THINKER (student edition). This year, Chance completed his Business Consulting certification with Harvard Academies and will officially launch Chance Wright Consulting in July 2021.
Jonathan Santos Silva, Founder, The Liber Institute
Jonathan Santos Silva has been a trouble-making, system-breaking leader in the education space for over 12 years. While he is most recently known for his work as Founder of The Liber Institute and as Chairman of The Board of Ed Podcast, Jonathan can also be credited with contributions to the Cambiar Catalyst Fellowship and South Dakota’s Native American Achievement Schools. In addition, Jonathan has been recognized for his work as a classroom teacher, founding school leader, and leadership coach, and is a sought-after speaker due to his engaging and uplifting style. He holds a B.S. in Business Administration from Northeastern University and an M.A. in Education Administration from the University of South Dakota and is the husband of one incredible woman, father of four beautiful children, and walker of two loyal rez dogs.
Melissa Harris, Deputy Superintendent, Community Empowerment, Innovation, & Partnerships, DCSD
Melissa Harris is the Deputy Superintendent, Community Empowerment, Innovation, and Partnerships for the DeKalb County School District. In this role she oversees a newly created division of the district, charged with fostering a culture of transparency through improved communication and creating a coalition of support for our students from parents, community leaders, partner organizations and philanthropists.
Prior to joining DCSD, Ms. Harris served for 15 years at the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) in many critical roles where she oversaw the creation of high-level policy, strategy, and policy implementation which spanned across the Department of Education. Additionally, Melissa has served in several external facing positions where she has played a primary role in reshaping the landscape of family and community engagement to support thousands of families served by the DOE.
Ms. Melissa Harris has been recognized nationally as an emerging school system leader and was selected for The Broad Superintendents Academy program in 2019 and the Pahara NextGen program in 2016. Melissa has a Master’s in Education Policy from the University at Albany, the State University of New York.
Dr. Ron Cabrera, Leadership Consultant & Executive Coach, The RONS Group, Inc.
Dr. Ron Cabrera has been in public education for the past 42 years. Currently, he consults with the Adams School District 14, Commerce City Colorado, in their turnaround school district efforts. In this role, Ron works with and advises building and central office leaders, community groups, and the Colorado Department of Education. Prior, Ron served as the interim Superintendent of the Denver Public Schools, directing instructional priorities, partnering with many community groups, and working with finances; Ron was also the Superintendent in the Thompson School District; he retired from the Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services and Equity in the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD). Currently, Ron also works as an executive coach with numerous school leaders across various school districts in Colorado. Additionally, Ron works for the University of Colorado Denver School of Education, as an instructor in the principal licensure program and supporting a doctoral program for graduate students of color.
Lastly, Ron has been a leader in diversity and equity professional learning and programming and policy development. He led the development of policies and services to support transgender students, receiving praise from the US Department of Education. The Boulder Valley YWCA recognized Ron’s work and named him a “”County Champion”” for 2015 for his anti-racism work in Boulder County. In 2016, the Open Door Foundation recognized Ron as the Change Agent of 2016 for the transgender/gender non-conforming work that he led in BVSD and exemplary work in Colorado. Clearly, Ron believes if there are inroads to be made to address the needs of marginalized students, it will be through leadership that ensures that inclusion, equity in access to opportunity, respect and dignity exists for all students.
Presented July 30th 11:45am – 1:00pm PST
Musical Inspiration

Dr. Mortonette Stephens
The Voice ∙ The Magic ∙ The Talent
Trained from an early age as a classical violinist, Mortonette won her first recording contract as a singer/songwriter at age fifteen. She subsequently became a lead singer for Quincy Jones Wattsline,(working for him also on Michael Jackson’s Off the Wall” CD as a backup singer. Mortonette headed the Quincy Jones vocal workshop where she taught ninety-five students weekly. She sang and appeared in Alex Haley’s Roots” and was the on set vocal trainer in certain scenes of that epic TV movie series. Mortonette has toured the world with Elton John, Quincy Jones, Paul Anka, Linda Rondstadt, Timothy B. Schmit/Eagles and has graced the stage and recording studio’s with many many Stars. Barbara Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Michael McDonald, Eric Clapton, Cannonball Adderley, Josh Groban, Luther Vandross, Aaron Neville, Celine Dion, Don Henley, Billy Joel, and the American Music Awards with Poison to name a few.
Mortonette was the Voice of the Diva in The ChubbChubbs! The 2002 Academy Award Winner for the BEST SHORT FILM (Animated)
Mortonette toured Europe for eight years with Legendary Tony award winner Linda Hopkins, as a primary lead singer with the show“Wild Women Blues.”

Aside from performing and recording Mortonette is an author of the “Thoughtland Adventures” book series, endorsed by Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith. She is also known as “The Thought Stylist” and has created a unique and original line of products called “Thought Tools” They are really educational tools based on Spiritual Principles and the Natural Laws of Nature, cleverly disguised as a unique fun and thoughtful gift. Her motto: Gifts with a twist; Gifts that keep on giving.

Mortonette has performed as the opening musical inspiration for many esteemed speakers and conferences around the world. She has performed at the Dept. Peace Alliance in Washington for Marianne Williamson, Noetic Science, Edgar Mitchell, Asilomar conference, for Gregg Braden, Agape Revelation Conference for Iynala Vanzat, and David R. Hawkins author of “Power vs Force” USM, for Jean Huston, USM for Neal Donald Walsh, USM for Caroline Myss, and USM for Arianna Huffington. Alan Cohen,Oregon conference. Astronaut Bernard Harris A-MAN banquet dinner. Soul Explosion with Mary Mann Morrissey and Revelations for Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith to new a few.
Mortonette is a California State certified Reflexologist.
Mortonette has a Doctorate Degree in Mystical Research from the University of Sedona, and periodically teaches classes of Mind exploration and transformation, using her original gift products, assisted by her physicist husband Dr. Lee Stephens.